
4 Ways to Improve Your Alignment After a Car Accident

If you’ve been in a car accident recently, you may be experiencing more than just vehicular damage. Depending on the circumstances of the collision, such as speed and point of impact, car accidents can inflict substantial bodily harm on both drivers and passengers. It’s crucial to seek medical attention to address injuries and improve your spinal alignment.

If you’re experiencing pain following a car accident, it’s important to treat your injuries as soon as possible. This can help to ensure that they don’t worsen over time or become more difficult to treat.

Here are four of the best ways to improve your spinal alignment and physical health following an auto accident.

spinal alignment

Get a Chiropractic Screening

Before you can begin the healing process, you’ll have to determine exactly what injuries you sustained and how severe they are. A great way to do this is through a chiropractic screening.

A licensed and highly trained chiropractor can pinpoint your areas of injury during your initial consultation. Using the information that they gather, they can create a personalized treatment plan to fit your needs and lifestyle.

Work on Your Mobility

If any part of your spine has been thrown out of alignment due to a car accident, you may begin to experience some reduced mobility in the affected area. For most people, this manifests itself as difficulty in moving the head or neck, limited mobility of the spine, or a restricted range of motion for the arms and legs.

Your chiropractor can help you to improve your mobility in a safe way that will support healing.

Remain Active

Oftentimes, a sedentary lifestyle can actually worsen certain injuries inflicted by a car accident. Though it’s important to get a professional chiropractor’s opinion on how much physical activity is safe for you during your healing process, regular physical exercise can actually help to speed up your recovery.

Reduce inflammation through your chiropractic treatment >>

Utilize Massage Therapy

When used in tandem with regular chiropractic appointments, massage therapy is an amazing tool for healing following a car accident. Massage therapy can improve your flexibility and mobility, reduce scar tissue, and simply ease stress.

Dealing with the aftermath of a car accident can be difficult. By practicing self-care, you can actually speed your recovery.

High-Quality Chiropractic Services Near You

If you’ve been in a car accident, don’t wait for your pain to worsen before you seek help. Contact the team at Veeva Chiropractic Clinic today.