Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese healing technique that has been practiced for thousands of years. Using ultra-fine, sterile needles at precise locations on your body, acupuncture taps into your body’s natural energy pathways, encouraging balance and harmony within. Acupuncture can address a wide range of concerns, from stress and anxiety to chronic pain and digestive issues, aiming to restore your body’s optimal functioning. Practitioners originally believed that the human body was filled with a life force known as “qi” (pronounced: chee). If this life force kept flowing and moving in the right direction, then you would stay in good health.
ExcellentBased on 66 reviewsAristotelez Plutarco2023-06-04Very profesional teamGlenda Cardona2023-05-25I want to centro chiropractice and ask some questions and information they were a very attentive and helpful the receptionists. I liked there attitude and I recommend going there on 5201 E Fourth Plain Blvd. Vancouver,WA 😁Kenzie S2023-03-25Highly recommend! Always so well taken care of- Chance is outstanding- genuinely cares and does a great job. Also, I cannot say enough good things about the front desk ladies- they are outstanding. Look forward to every adjustment ✨Flor Zaragoza2023-02-28En mi visita fueron muy amables, muy atentos y me atendieron muy amableAna Carmona2023-01-10Todo el equipo y personal es maravilloso definitivamente recomiendo Centro quiropráctico y los doctores son de primera y Rosa que hace unos masajes maravillosos 100% recomendado!!😊Jeni Bahena2023-01-06Las chicas del dentro quiropráctico dan un excelente atención, médicos muy calificados todos mi dolores de fueron. 10 de 10