
The most common signs that your spine is misaligned

A properly aligned spine keeps your body in a relatively straight line from your head to shoulders and back, and on down to hips, knees, and feet. But proper alignment is more than good posture; it can also help relieve and prevent long-term pain. In fact, a misaligned spine can impair range of motions and influence issues that impact quality of life.

Along with pain in various body joint, other signs of a misaligned spine may be present. Regular stretching and exercise helps but severe cases of misalignment may require surgical remedy. Let’s look at common ways to identify a misaligned spine and what to do about it:

Symptoms of a misaligned spine

Our spines are columns of vertebrae that extend from the base of the skull to the pelvis, providing support for the upper body. Possible signs of misalignment include:

  • Chronic headaches
  • Lower back, neck, knee, or hip pain
  • Frequent illness
  • Numb or tingling hands or feet
  • Excessive fatigue

Risks of spine misalignment

A misaligned spine left untreated can soon lead to serious issues far beyond mild discomfort. Some of these issues are:

  • Chronic pain,
  • Stiff joints,
  • Reduced range of motion,
  • Slouched posture,
  • Discomfort when sitting, standing, or laying down,
  • Permanent joint deformities
  • Sciatica

Treating a misaligned spine

Spine misalignment happens gradually over a period of time and treatment also demands a long-term effort. The first step is awareness and establishing a regular stretching and exercise routine. This is especially important for the many people who spend most of their days sitting behind a desk, which can lead to poor posture and spinal issues. These exercises can help alleviate pain and other negative effects:

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Stretch and walk

Take frequent walking breaks throughout the day to ease pressure on your sit bones and low back. Keep your head and shoulders in line with hips and legs. Roll your shoulders back to eliminate shrugging and walk at a pace that maintains a good posture.

Do the plank

Correctly executed planks can strengthen core muscles in the back and abdomen, and help take pressure off the spine.

The cat-cow yoga pose

This classic pose stretches the spine and reduces pressure from the lower back and shoulders.

Ditch the office chair

Sitting on a stability ball instead of a traditional chair helps reinforce spinal alignment throughout the day.

While minor spine alignment issues may not be concerning, see a doctor if you notice any signs to prevent future complications.