
Keep your immune system strong during the Coronavirus pandemic with chiropractic care

We are in the midst of a medical crisis rivaling and some say even exceeding the 1918 flu pandemic. While governments scramble to find answers and create plans to maintain some sense of order and calm, the world’s most respected scientists and doctors are working around the clock to craft a vaccine or other effective treatment to combat the COVID-19 virus. Meanwhile, shockingly high death tolls continue to climb and the entire U.S. is in a state of emergency and related stay-at-home orders. Enormously important events from high school and college graduations to pro sports to the Olympics have been cancelled and we essentially cannot leave our homes in the fight to prevent the spread of the virus.

We’ve all learned, very quickly, the visible and critical benefits of hand washing, social distancing, and a healthy immune system. Indeed, a strategic diet of smart and sensible foods helps us maintain a high level of health and wellness that is a key element in combatting viruses and all manner of other maladies. One often overlooked approach to a strong immune system is regular chiropractic care.

Chiropractic care and immunity

On the surface, chiropractic procedures seem to focus on injuries to the back and neck but it is much more than that. In fact, the main foundation of this medical practice is our bodies’ central nervous system. The nervous system, of course, is the orchestra leader for the body’s every function. When coronavirus attacks a person’s immune system, the body needs to be at full strength to mount a strong defense. To that end, the chiropractic field includes significant study of nutrition and while it is impossible to guarantee lifelong protection from illnesses, a strong immune system goes a long way in reducing the odds.

It’s the stage, not the lead actor

Germs and viruses such as the coronavirus can be frightening and cause terrible damage but they are nothing without an ideal environment.  A germ can’t cause illness on its own and a healthy immune system is unfavorable territory in which to unleash viral-based trouble; there are simply fewer footholds and our antibodies fight back.

Experts agree that diligent hand washing, adequate sleep and eating a diet rich in nutrients are wildly helpful in staying healthy and dodging severe or lingering sickness. Chiropractic care is one of the most efficient approaches in this regard and helps your body maintain consistent and useful information in its natural penchant for good health.