Although you hope it will never happen to you, at some point you may end up in an auto accident. Should the worst happen, you don’t want to waste your time and energy arguing with your insurance company to get what you deserve. You want them to cover the cost of your vehicle repairs, medical needs, and chiropractic sessions as a basic requirement.
The best insurance companies do more than just provide decent coverage for a good price. That’s the minimum any car insurance company should do. The best auto insurance companies focus on the customer from the first moment they request a quote to the time they need to make a claim.
Not all car insurance companies are made equal. While some really do go out of their way to help you get back on your feet as quickly as possible when you’re involved in an accident, others drag the process out and make you jump through countless hoops to get the compensation you’ve been paying for in your monthly premiums.
To help you rest easy and avoid unnecessary challenges should you wind up in an auto accident, you need to choose one of the best and most reliable car insurance companies out there. Pick one of our recommended providers and you don’t need to worry.
One of the most popular car insurance companies, Geico has been providing cover to drivers since 1936. The long-established company saves each of its customers an average of $500 per year, making them excellent value for money.
They offer great rates for young drivers and seniors, as well as anyone who has a speeding ticket, poor credit, or has been caught driving without insurance. Plus their low number of complaints made to state insurance departments means they provide their customers with excellent service.
Although Geico’s standard car insurance policy doesn’t include cover for chiropractic care, their medical payments coverage does. This added extra is required in some states and optional in others.
When you add medical payments coverage to your policy, all chiropractic services are covered for you and the members of your household family if you or they are injured:
- During an accident in your own car
- While riding in someone else’s vehicle
- While being struck as a pedestrian
Nationwide started out as a small mutual auto insurance company, owned by policyholders who worked on farms in Ohio. Since then, the plan provider has developed into one of the biggest insurance companies in the world.
To help you save money, Nationwide offers a pay-per-mile option, as well as a usage-based insurance program. They also offer very competitive rates if you need to include a teen driver in your policy.
Just like Geico, Nationwide’s basic auto insurance policy doesn’t include payments for chiropractic care. To ensure the cost of your chiropractic sessions will be covered, you need to add on medical payments coverage.
Even if you’ve already got a health insurance plan, it can still be beneficial to have medical payments coverage. It can help bridge the gap by providing payment for services not covered by your health insurance, such as chiropractic treatment.
State Farm
One of the oldest insurance companies in the US, State Farm gives you plenty of options to choose from to help you get the coverage you need for a price you can afford. They’ve got generous coverage and great discounts for safe drivers, as well as young drivers.
By using their Drive Safe & Save app, you could save up to 30% on your premiums. And if you’re under 25 without any moving violations or at-fault accidents in the past three years, you could save up to 15%. You can get an even better deal by combining your auto and home insurance.
As car insurance requirements vary by state, State Farm lets you select the type of insurance you need and then add on optional extras.
For example, you can choose basic collision coverage and add on medical payments coverage. This means they’ll help pay to repair or replace your vehicle if it’s involved in an accident with another vehicle. They’ll also cover the medical and chiropractic care bills for you and any other people injured in your car.
USAA (United Services Automobile Association) first began in 1922, when 25 army officers came together and decided to insure each other’s vehicles. Over the following 100 years, the tiny organization progressed to serve millions of people in the military community.
It’s important to know that you can only take out a car insurance policy with USAA if you’re a member of the military, a veteran, or a military family member. If you meet their requirements, they offer reasonable rates and great coverage.
USAA’s uninsured and underinsured policy covers your chiropractic care should you be involved in an accident that wasn’t your fault. If another driver caused the accident who either doesn’t have enough coverage to pay for your treatment or doesn’t have any coverage at all, your insurance policy will cover your chiropractic payments.
In some states, the uninsured and underinsured policy even covers the cost of repairing your car if it’s involved in a hit-and-run.
The Allstate Corporation offers one of the most comprehensive ranges of coverage options available. They have an excellent track record of low auto insurance complaints, so you know you’re in good hands.
Allstate offers two auto insurance policies that are particularly helpful if you need chiropractic care after an accident on the road.
Their personal injury protection plan can cover medical costs, hospital bills, and chiropractic expenses which aren’t covered by your standard car insurance or health policies. This type of plan is very broad and also includes childcare expenses, funeral expenses, loss of services, and income continuation.
Allstate’s personal umbrella policy also protects you when your standard insurance policy isn’t enough. If you’re at fault for an accident that injures another driver, your auto liability coverage will only cover you up to a certain limit. If the injured driver requires chiropractic treatment that costs more than the amount your liability insurance plan covers, your Personal Umbrella Policy will bridge the gap.
Choose wisely
We’ve dealt with almost all auto insurance companies in Oregon. The good news is after you’ve been injured in an auto accident, most insurance companies do what they promise. They get your car repaired and pay your medical and chiropractic bills. After you’ve been loyally paying your premiums every month, it’s the least you should expect.
But not all insurance companies are the same. While most of our experiences have been positive ones, we have worked with some patients who have been badly treated by their insurance companies and have had to pay their car, medical, and chiropractic bills out of their own pockets.
To avoid becoming a victim, choose one of our recommended insurance companies. Should the worst happen and you need to make a claim, you can relax, knowing you’ll get the compensation you deserve.
We are not affiliated to any of the companies mentioned.